soooo this is going to have to be a blog about my life from now on because i am not a nanny anymore. =( im sad and overwhelmed with school and work and about to go out of my mind! and sure miss my sleep.
hopefully i will get to post about me and himanis last week together soon.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Brody and Kady
The Perfect Storm
Monday, August 16, 2010
Addi's first birthday
Addi got lots of good things for her birthday.
Also Addison's future husband was born 1 year and 13 minutes apart from her. Their neighbor had a little boy on her birthday and they are very excited!
Also Addison's future husband was born 1 year and 13 minutes apart from her. Their neighbor had a little boy on her birthday and they are very excited!
Tyler and Ryan
Tyler and Ryan are a couple of kids that i babysit that I have never talked about on here. I started watching Tyler when he was about 7 or 8 months old. He is a handsome 3 1/2 year old now. He now has a sister Ryan that is about 8 months and has red hair and bright blue eyes. I've only got to watch her a couple times so far but she is a sweetie.
I watched them last Friday night. They put Ryan down to bed before they left but Tyler and I had a nice round of Chutes and Ladders with his meme and then we watched about half of Cars before it was bedtime. I really wish I had a picture of them to put on here, but i dont. I can't find any of my Tyler pictures I have. But I will try to get one when i watch them later this month.
I watched them last Friday night. They put Ryan down to bed before they left but Tyler and I had a nice round of Chutes and Ladders with his meme and then we watched about half of Cars before it was bedtime. I really wish I had a picture of them to put on here, but i dont. I can't find any of my Tyler pictures I have. But I will try to get one when i watch them later this month.
say click. take a pic.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Himani and I grew some plants in her play room. Little did I know they would grow to get so big! I had her paint the first set of pots i got to replant them. Then they seemed to get even bigger so I had a craft book with some ideas how to paint pots and this is what she ended up with.

a penguin this is a polka dot plant

...and a chick and pig. the plant in the chick is a sensitive plant. it doesn't look very big b/c it shrivels up if you touch and breathe on it. The plant in the pig is lamb's ear
She really enjoys watering them and checking them out everyday when we go down there in the mornings.

a penguin this is a polka dot plant

...and a chick and pig. the plant in the chick is a sensitive plant. it doesn't look very big b/c it shrivels up if you touch and breathe on it. The plant in the pig is lamb's ear
She really enjoys watering them and checking them out everyday when we go down there in the mornings.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Some things
Himani and I have been Skyping Josh and Hank lately. She loooooves talking to Hank over the computer. Its pretty funny Hank looks at the screen and turns his head side to side everytime we talk to him. The other day after we was done talking to Josh I saw my dad was on. I talk to my dad on there almost everyday. He's still not working and is pretty bored. I called him on that and Addi was over at my moms so Addi and HImani got to talk via Skype. I think they both really enjoyed it. Addi turns 1 next Wednesday. I will have pictures up from her birthday party that is this Saturday.
She has learned several things lately, main things; starting to tell what is left and right and counting to 20. Himani looooves counting.
Heres some pictures of just whatever from lately.

ive been teaching her to do some more silly faces. just what every girl needs to know

Addi loves standing at Lenny's cage and watching him when she comes over to my place. And she is also getting lots of teeth now. And her top 2 are gapped.

I love taking Hank places and he loves the AC in the car

Addi's new thing. Doing a head stand. I know its not the best of pictures but I was cracking up b/c she would crawl a bit then go into this.
She has learned several things lately, main things; starting to tell what is left and right and counting to 20. Himani looooves counting.
Heres some pictures of just whatever from lately.

ive been teaching her to do some more silly faces. just what every girl needs to know

Addi loves standing at Lenny's cage and watching him when she comes over to my place. And she is also getting lots of teeth now. And her top 2 are gapped.

I love taking Hank places and he loves the AC in the car

Addi's new thing. Doing a head stand. I know its not the best of pictures but I was cracking up b/c she would crawl a bit then go into this.

Kid Scape
We checked out Kid scape last week. We got there and waited them to open. She had fun when it was only her. Kidscape is at the Johnson County Museum just down the street. It looks like a little city and they can go into the "buildings" that are set up and they can dress up, play with cars, play doctor, color, look at books, put on a play on there stage with curtains and costumes. She walked through all of it playing a little bit in each one and then she walked through the museum and by the time we got back to the Kidscape area there was tons of kids and she just stood there and looked at all of them. I was able to take a few pictures.

she put this hat on and said "Im like Boots! Boots hat" I am not sure if there is an episode of Dora and firefighters. I am sure there is but she has a book and he has a firefighter hat on.

She loved this tractor and she talked about it for the rest of the day.

she put this hat on and said "Im like Boots! Boots hat" I am not sure if there is an episode of Dora and firefighters. I am sure there is but she has a book and he has a firefighter hat on.

She loved this tractor and she talked about it for the rest of the day.
Sweaty McSweats
This is how I usually find Himani when I wake her up at 3 from her nap.

today she was totally covered up. I walked in and I said Himani time to wake up. "Stephy, do you see me. Stephy do you see my head." I guess she was hiding from me and waiting for me to come find her.
And this is is how she looks when she comes out from underneath the blanket.

This picture really doesnt do justice to her hair. it drips with sweat. By now when she gets up from underneath the blanket she knows she is sweaty. "Stephy, Mani sweaty and sticky."

today she was totally covered up. I walked in and I said Himani time to wake up. "Stephy, do you see me. Stephy do you see my head." I guess she was hiding from me and waiting for me to come find her.
And this is is how she looks when she comes out from underneath the blanket.

This picture really doesnt do justice to her hair. it drips with sweat. By now when she gets up from underneath the blanket she knows she is sweaty. "Stephy, Mani sweaty and sticky."
Saturday, July 24, 2010
over due photos
So i still haven't figured out how to make a slide show.. so i picked some of my fav photos from the last couple months
Himani before tumble class with pig tails in a new leotard. She looooves tumble class and she asks to go everyday. A big part of her after nap time goes to tumbling in the living room because tumble class is after her naps on monday and she always says. "go tumble class after my nap." or the last month its been"go plane after my nap" and then she gets really upset when she doesnt get on a plane after nap.

she got a certificate and a cookie after she finished her first session of tumble class this was back in May.

Himani loves wearing her backpack and saying shes going on a school bus. She says she waits for it to come. But it may not be for a couple more years

Shes talented silly face and swinging at the same time. whoa!

we have been growing plants in the play room. i let her paint some pots and we replanted them and they grew huge fast. 2 out of the 3 could use an even bigger pot already

drinking her big coffee (water in a coffee mug)

I took Himani to Deanna Rose farm. My sister and Addi meet up with us. Himani got brave this time and fed goats milk in a bottle and few other animals fed and went down the big red slides all by herself

this was in the baby cow barn

singing twinkle twinkle little star into her chalk

Himani loves her some Addi Paddi.

I love this picture b/c it looks like the boy in the background is raising up his sunglasses to check Himani out. You can really tell how nice of a tan Himani and Addi will always have and how it takes forever for me to tan with my nice pale leg

This is at my apt pool. Addi loves swimming and fell asleep in it 1 day

Himani before tumble class with pig tails in a new leotard. She looooves tumble class and she asks to go everyday. A big part of her after nap time goes to tumbling in the living room because tumble class is after her naps on monday and she always says. "go tumble class after my nap." or the last month its been"go plane after my nap" and then she gets really upset when she doesnt get on a plane after nap.

she got a certificate and a cookie after she finished her first session of tumble class this was back in May.

Himani loves wearing her backpack and saying shes going on a school bus. She says she waits for it to come. But it may not be for a couple more years

Shes talented silly face and swinging at the same time. whoa!

we have been growing plants in the play room. i let her paint some pots and we replanted them and they grew huge fast. 2 out of the 3 could use an even bigger pot already

drinking her big coffee (water in a coffee mug)

I took Himani to Deanna Rose farm. My sister and Addi meet up with us. Himani got brave this time and fed goats milk in a bottle and few other animals fed and went down the big red slides all by herself

this was in the baby cow barn

singing twinkle twinkle little star into her chalk

Himani loves her some Addi Paddi.

I love this picture b/c it looks like the boy in the background is raising up his sunglasses to check Himani out. You can really tell how nice of a tan Himani and Addi will always have and how it takes forever for me to tan with my nice pale leg

This is at my apt pool. Addi loves swimming and fell asleep in it 1 day


Tuesday, July 20, 2010
common/ funny things Himani says
Alright. Well my summer school is over and I got straight A's again. I amaze myself sometimes. But i feel like I am sooo behind in homework because I was constantly do it and havent for a week now and it just doesnt feel right.
I have tons of photos. I need to figure out how to do a slideshow so i dont have several pages of them.
While my 6 weeks of summer school I figured I wouldn't have time to update so I wrote down things I thought was funny that Himani said or her common sayings.
"BROWNNNIEEEE yummy brownie!!" (while eating an apple)
"Play Himani's park"
I asked her if she knew what kind of work her mom did. Her response "Homework!"
"Addi Paddi c'mere"
"C'mere stephy C'mere"
Awwwww Mannnnnn (like swiper)
I taught her what an underdog was with her swing set and every time she does it she says "SUPERMASSSA!"
" I need my medicine" She tells me daily she needs medicine because something on her hurts lately her teeth
"Go tumble class"
"Mani go home" (while at home)
"GabriLinsy" Both names are 1 word
If she doesnt see someone of something "Its lost" "Mommy lost"
"Put lotion on my armpits"
"There bird poop on the ground" (while we are inside on the couch)
"Play soccer game"
"I want big coffee"
"Cute bird poop"
"Whoooppsie daisy"
Points to her house "Mommies house" I ask her who else lives there "My sister"
"Mmmmmmm Liscious"
"Wheres make up?, I wear make up"
"My Lina My Ryan"
I have tons of photos. I need to figure out how to do a slideshow so i dont have several pages of them.
While my 6 weeks of summer school I figured I wouldn't have time to update so I wrote down things I thought was funny that Himani said or her common sayings.
"BROWNNNIEEEE yummy brownie!!" (while eating an apple)
"Play Himani's park"
I asked her if she knew what kind of work her mom did. Her response "Homework!"
"Addi Paddi c'mere"
"C'mere stephy C'mere"
Awwwww Mannnnnn (like swiper)
I taught her what an underdog was with her swing set and every time she does it she says "SUPERMASSSA!"
" I need my medicine" She tells me daily she needs medicine because something on her hurts lately her teeth
"Go tumble class"
"Mani go home" (while at home)
"GabriLinsy" Both names are 1 word
If she doesnt see someone of something "Its lost" "Mommy lost"
"Put lotion on my armpits"
"There bird poop on the ground" (while we are inside on the couch)
"Play soccer game"
"I want big coffee"
"Cute bird poop"
"Whoooppsie daisy"
Points to her house "Mommies house" I ask her who else lives there "My sister"
"Mmmmmmm Liscious"
"Wheres make up?, I wear make up"
"My Lina My Ryan"
Thursday, June 10, 2010
lack of updates
sorry for the lack of updates. i have been doing homework none stop since i started summer school last wednesday. I am taking -chemistry (online) -drugs and dosages (online) and health assessment.
just wanted to let you guys know i have lots for photos, lots of stories and several videos of himani dancing and singing and new bay-b-c's as she says.
hopfully I will be able to update before it ends on July 14th
just wanted to let you guys know i have lots for photos, lots of stories and several videos of himani dancing and singing and new bay-b-c's as she says.
hopfully I will be able to update before it ends on July 14th
Sunday, May 23, 2010
showing off what she knows
i have a 3rd one but i can't seem to get it to load. i will have to work on it a bit more
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Others
I had some extra pictures from the last couple of weeks that I haven't posted. I have been soooo busy with studying for finals. I ended up with straight A's woot woot! Physiology had been kicking my butt. I went straight to the library when I got off work Friday and took that final. I got a 90% on it. Last test in that class I got a 96% and that was after a couple of drinks. Moral of the story. Drink before you take tests. Just Kidddding. Heres some pictures

Cough Cough
Himani was sick this past week. At lease it only kept her down for 1 day.
I could tell when I got her out of bed she didnt feel good. And I was pretty sure she was going to puke at breakfast from coughing so much. I kept a bowl with us all day just in case.
All we did was sit on the couch. I felt bad for her coughing so much, I asked if there was some medicine she could take, Ryan told us to go to Target and check something out. But we didnt end up getting it. But I did let her pick out a movie for us to watch and she picked out the Tinkerbell Movie. Lina suggested she sleep on my lap for nap. We went up to her room at 1230. You could tell by looking at her keeping her up was just torture. She fell asleep pretty fast. And she slept on my lap for about an hour but we both got sweaty cause I wrapped us up in a blanket. She slept until I woke her up at 4. She never puked and was better the next day.
Here is Himani's first pony tail. My hair tie was to big. I want to get some small ones to put in pig tails

You can tell in her face she doesnt feel good. But she put her "puke" bowl on her head for some laughs

Andddd I thought I was in the clear of not getting sick. But about 6 o'clock tonight my shoulders started hurting and my nose got stuffed up and I have that tingly feeling in my throat. So I guess we will see how I feel when I wake up.
I could tell when I got her out of bed she didnt feel good. And I was pretty sure she was going to puke at breakfast from coughing so much. I kept a bowl with us all day just in case.
All we did was sit on the couch. I felt bad for her coughing so much, I asked if there was some medicine she could take, Ryan told us to go to Target and check something out. But we didnt end up getting it. But I did let her pick out a movie for us to watch and she picked out the Tinkerbell Movie. Lina suggested she sleep on my lap for nap. We went up to her room at 1230. You could tell by looking at her keeping her up was just torture. She fell asleep pretty fast. And she slept on my lap for about an hour but we both got sweaty cause I wrapped us up in a blanket. She slept until I woke her up at 4. She never puked and was better the next day.
Here is Himani's first pony tail. My hair tie was to big. I want to get some small ones to put in pig tails

You can tell in her face she doesnt feel good. But she put her "puke" bowl on her head for some laughs

Andddd I thought I was in the clear of not getting sick. But about 6 o'clock tonight my shoulders started hurting and my nose got stuffed up and I have that tingly feeling in my throat. So I guess we will see how I feel when I wake up.
Himani starts tumble class
2 weeks ago Himani started a tumble class. I had taken the twins there a couple times and it is at the same studio I use to dance at as a little kid. But now its no longer Dixie Bell, but Tumblebuggs. Its oober cute.
The class starts off by sitting in a circle and warming up. Some things Himani can do/attempt. Some things she just doesnt even try and just watches the grown ups.
Next we have different stations. First 1 is the balance beam. HImani LOOOOOVVVEEESSSSS this. I havent been able to get a picture of her on it because we are suppose to help them across. After you go across the 3 balance beams 3 times we have free time. The whole free time is Himani going across those three balance beams. Then we have another station. It has something to do with a bar that they are suppose to hold themselves up and pull their feet to the bar as well. The first week she kind of got the idea, she was able to hold herself up and walk her feet up the mat but the second week she got it and was able to hold herself up and keep her feet on the bar for 3 seconds by herself. I kind of got some pictures of that but I never clicked the camera on time and that is on Lina and Ryan's camera. I am sure they will post them.
Then the teacher plays the "Freeze Song" Himani didn't get it the first week. When the song says freeze, you freeze. But she kept running around the circle. The second time she listened and actually froze.
At the end after we get our shoes on the kids get stamps all over. After the first class Himani got two on each hand thats all she looked at on the way home. They amazes her. I think that was her first time getting a stamp.
The teacher said Himani is doing good. She isnt behind the other (2) kids in the class at all and listens well. She said she was worried she would be shy and not want to try some of the things at first. But HImani wasn't shy at all went up to the other adults showing them her shoes and everything. Himani is very sad when we have to leave. I noticed the other day when we got home she tried to dangle from the oven handle. Uh-Oh!
The class starts off by sitting in a circle and warming up. Some things Himani can do/attempt. Some things she just doesnt even try and just watches the grown ups.
Next we have different stations. First 1 is the balance beam. HImani LOOOOOVVVEEESSSSS this. I havent been able to get a picture of her on it because we are suppose to help them across. After you go across the 3 balance beams 3 times we have free time. The whole free time is Himani going across those three balance beams. Then we have another station. It has something to do with a bar that they are suppose to hold themselves up and pull their feet to the bar as well. The first week she kind of got the idea, she was able to hold herself up and walk her feet up the mat but the second week she got it and was able to hold herself up and keep her feet on the bar for 3 seconds by herself. I kind of got some pictures of that but I never clicked the camera on time and that is on Lina and Ryan's camera. I am sure they will post them.
Then the teacher plays the "Freeze Song" Himani didn't get it the first week. When the song says freeze, you freeze. But she kept running around the circle. The second time she listened and actually froze.
At the end after we get our shoes on the kids get stamps all over. After the first class Himani got two on each hand thats all she looked at on the way home. They amazes her. I think that was her first time getting a stamp.
The teacher said Himani is doing good. She isnt behind the other (2) kids in the class at all and listens well. She said she was worried she would be shy and not want to try some of the things at first. But HImani wasn't shy at all went up to the other adults showing them her shoes and everything. Himani is very sad when we have to leave. I noticed the other day when we got home she tried to dangle from the oven handle. Uh-Oh!
"Did we just become best friends?" 'Yup!'
Its been a couple weeks since we had addi on saturday. but better late than never.
We got up early to get some new Js for Josh. We didnt up getting them but we stopped at Red Robin. Addi was pretty happy the whole time screaming her extremely loud happy scream the whole time we were there.

she knows how to drink out of a straw. but she was being lazy and wanted to be fed like a bird

she seemed pretty jealous of every other kid having a balloon around us. So we got her 1

Josh: DId we just become best friends?
Addi: Yup!
I guess you'd have to see the movie Step Brothers to get that, but Josh kept saying that allllll day to her.

I am watching Addi on Wednesday while my sister has surgery and then we get to keep her over night. We are pretty excited!
We got up early to get some new Js for Josh. We didnt up getting them but we stopped at Red Robin. Addi was pretty happy the whole time screaming her extremely loud happy scream the whole time we were there.

she knows how to drink out of a straw. but she was being lazy and wanted to be fed like a bird

she seemed pretty jealous of every other kid having a balloon around us. So we got her 1

Josh: DId we just become best friends?
Addi: Yup!
I guess you'd have to see the movie Step Brothers to get that, but Josh kept saying that allllll day to her.

I am watching Addi on Wednesday while my sister has surgery and then we get to keep her over night. We are pretty excited!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Himani's got a new Hat!
Well before nap time I always ask Himani to try to go #2. I usually step out of the bathroom give her privacy and pick up her room a bit. She won't go half the time if I sit in there with her. I come back and see this.

What a goof.
Himani is starting tumble class Thursday morning. I am excited. I had alot of fun when I had to take the twins on saturday mornings. Hope she has fun. I will be taking pictures for sure.

What a goof.
Himani is starting tumble class Thursday morning. I am excited. I had alot of fun when I had to take the twins on saturday mornings. Hope she has fun. I will be taking pictures for sure.
panties vs. underwear
Well Saturday I had Himani during the day and then went to the twins at night.
They were very tired. Gabriel cleaned the basement while Lindsay cried. Then she cried because I tried to get them to eat dinner. And then she had a big meltdown while I was getting her dry from her bath. I said okay lets get you dry and put on your 'underwear' on. Lindsay said "no they're panties" me "Lindsay, underwear is another word for panties, Lots of girls wear underwear. I wear underwear. Underwear and panties are the same thing." Lindsay "no you don't you wear panties, they're panties." then she cries for the rest of the time she got dressed and cries while she is brushing her teeth and walks to her room. I guess I didn't realize girls can't wear underwear. I got Gabriel out asked if he wore underwear or panties and he said underwear. I also asked Gabriel if he liked me b/c I had a feeling Lindsay disliked me alot by then. He said yes and I said good because I love you. He said "O and I really really like you too!"
Then story time came. Got through our first book. Second book they decided to tell me I couldn't read good and I wasn't saying the words right. I stopped and said bed time. I told them they hurt my feelings and I was done. They didn't like that I wouldn't finish so they cried themselves to sleep.
They were very tired. Gabriel cleaned the basement while Lindsay cried. Then she cried because I tried to get them to eat dinner. And then she had a big meltdown while I was getting her dry from her bath. I said okay lets get you dry and put on your 'underwear' on. Lindsay said "no they're panties" me "Lindsay, underwear is another word for panties, Lots of girls wear underwear. I wear underwear. Underwear and panties are the same thing." Lindsay "no you don't you wear panties, they're panties." then she cries for the rest of the time she got dressed and cries while she is brushing her teeth and walks to her room. I guess I didn't realize girls can't wear underwear. I got Gabriel out asked if he wore underwear or panties and he said underwear. I also asked Gabriel if he liked me b/c I had a feeling Lindsay disliked me alot by then. He said yes and I said good because I love you. He said "O and I really really like you too!"
Then story time came. Got through our first book. Second book they decided to tell me I couldn't read good and I wasn't saying the words right. I stopped and said bed time. I told them they hurt my feelings and I was done. They didn't like that I wouldn't finish so they cried themselves to sleep.
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