I had the twins early this morning.
Couple melt downs. first 1 was because Lindsay didn't want to wear her soccer uniform and second was because she didn't want to sit in the "baby" seat.
I had to adjust Himani's car seat so Lindsay could sit in it and Gabriel kept saying it was a baby seat and LIndsay had to sit in a baby seat. But she did and we made it to soccer ok.
They did good at soccer. I thought it was pretty cute watching all the little little kids try to play.
On the way there, Gabriel asked me how marshmallows were made. What i said probably wasn't true. But maybe they wont remember. I said they added ingredients, mixed it up, dumped in on a conveyor belt and a big machine pressed them into their shapes and then bagged. I should see if there is a "how its made" episode of that.
Also he said that his tricks he did were pretty cool. And that his neighbor boy told him that his tricks weren't cool at all, but he liked Lindsay's tricks. I told him his tricks were cool. But I have no clue what tricks he was talking about.
We talked about the difference between apartments, town homes and houses. I said I lived in an apartment because I couldnt afford a house b/c allll my money is going towards my school. But when I am done with school I can buy a house. Gabriel said he would give me money to buy a house and I could keep it forever. Thanks Gabriel!
Eating lunch, I was told not to talk with my mouth open. They kept saying you'll choke if you have food in your mouth and you talk, as they were talking with their mouths full. So when I finished my bite I said well both of you were just talking with your mouths open. They looked at each other and didn't say much the rest of lunch.
Then after I left I took my car to my dads b/c I noticed my car making a weird noise when I left HImani's Friday. Well ended up I needed new brakes. AWESOME!