Amelia and I laid on a blanket on the grass while watching Cora play in the yard. Amelia fell back and she started crying. I decided it was time to go inside. She wouldn't stop crying. I didn't think she hit her head very hard when she fell back, but I guess it was a mixture of lots of things, like me being a stranger, her hurting herself, her being tired and hungry. But she just wouldn't stop crying. Cora and I tried everything to make her happy. We tried all the tricks I was told to try. It was a little early but I got her bottle ready and tried to feed her. Cora the amazing singer she is, started singing "Puff the magic dragon" to her, and it worked! She settled down a bit while her bottle was warming up. But she didn't want her bottle. Cora suggested we tried to feed her upstairs. She ate a little and was still fussy. I got her to burp. I felt bad for not being able to play with Cora. She had a list of things she wanted to do with me. We walked around with Amelia singing to her and rocking her around. Finally she took the rest of her bottle. As I was burping her, it all came up. Not on her, all on me. Cora was just outside of the door and said "EWWWWWWW!" I told her not to look and to brush her teeth. When I finally got Amelia down it was time for Cora to go to bed.
Here is a picture of Cora singing to Amelia in the kitchen to calm her down.

Hopefully the next time I get to watch them, it goes a lot better!