Past Peds! I enjoyed it so much. I know thats where I want to be. I was at KU so you got a mix of everything and it didn't give me any clue as to where I want to go into with kids. That was the last 8 weeks of school. It was rough, I went through my worst episode of depression at the beginning and was ready to take a break from school but I think that would of made it worse. I am getting better though.
I am in OB currently. And Im not crazy over it, but my day of clinicals in Labor and Delivery was the best day so far. I got to do lots of new things. I watched alot and didnt pass out! One girl actually did, and when they made the phone call to my instructor they said "Nursing Student Down." But they didnt say a name, so everyone in Postpartum said "Thats Steph!" But HA it wasnt!
Highlights in my life lately...
-Blink 182 concert with My Chemical Romance... AMAZING. If you really know me, you know I have an sad obsession with Blink, almost like I was a tween with Bieber.
-Omaha trip with Josh, Stacy, Luther and Addi. I will load pictures later.
-New position at work... but the hours suck because They are the days Josh is off and the popular babysitting nights. = ( But more money for being at night and on the weekends! Yay!
I havent uploaded any of my pictures from my phone for several months. So Here is an older 1 of Addi with her first Slurpee.

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