Alright well like stated at the top of my site, I wanted to make a website so that the family of the kids I watch can see what we do while we are away. I made sure with everyone before hand if it was alright for me to write about there kids. Haven't confirmed with everyone just yet. But I'm getting there. I came up with this idea last year when I found out Himani's family had one. And yes it had taken a year for me to finally make this. It's not that I have a problem with putting things off. More like I don't want to do my homework or anything else I need to get done and figured this might be more productive than sleeping.
Hey I just thought, maybe this can get me more babysitting gigs!? ha
So lets go over my babysitting history. I didn't start until the summer after i graduated high school. That was May of 2007. I started watching for people my mom works with. It started off with Kylie and Kaden. Kaden was my first dirty diaper I had to change. It didnt go so well. Next came Tyler. He has a new baby sister as of yesterday! Congrats! Then I watched Ally. Adorable little girl she was about 7 months and a few months after she turned 1 I became her nanny for a short time. I really miss her but things just didn't work out. I only watched her a few months and I cried randomly for several months after missing her. She also has a new baby brother now. Around December of 2007 I randomly met Christian Sinclair while visiting with my moms best friend at work. He asked if I wanted to babysit on New Years. He has twins Lindsay and Gabriel. Because of them I got my nanny job I currently have now and another babysitting gig, Jordon. Thanks Guys I owe you a lot for that!
I met the Mulbery's summer of 2008. Himani was I believe 5 months then. I started watching her September of 2008 and still with them to this day. The time has gone by so fast! This is definitely the longest job I've ever had! I love Himani so much and it is going to be a VERY sad day when I have to leave them. But I will post a separate one talking more about her. Also because of them I have gotten a few other babysitting gigs!
But who am I? Here's some of the highlights
- I am in my third year of college! yikes! I still have a few more to go because I just decided to go into nursing. I am shooting for the program that starts October 2010. The deadline for turning the stuff in is January 31st. I won't know until April. And I am already nervous. I have always wanted to do something medical and something with kids. I am tired of going to school so I figured Id go for that. Hopefully I can get a job at Children's Mercy when I am all done. I love that place!
-I have one older sister and she just had a baby in August. Her name is Addison and I always say I am going to kidnap her. How nice huh? She's too cute!
- I just moved in with my boyfriend, Josh, of over 2 years. Right now he is off killing Zombies. (stupid video game) He is actually my brother-in-laws friend so I have known him for probably 6 years total. I love being on my own. I have always been one of having "my time" and I get that all the time now. I do miss living at home for several reasons. Home made dinners. I eat a lot of frozen pizzas now. Now I have to do the dishes everyday and buy everyday things! And I miss my parents of course. Especially since my dads been in and out of the hospital the last couple months! Get better dad!
-My biggest love besides my family is music. Favorite band is Blink 182 by far. Maybe its because I am OBSESSSSSSED with Travis Barker. I also like the Beatles ( Josh doesn't like them), Green Day, the Fray, Queen, Taking Back Sunday, Weezer, Muse, Elvis, and the list could go on forever.
- I started taking drum lessons 2 months ago. loooooove it. Sure wish i could get a set. Josh don't think they'd' be good for an apartment. But I could get electric ones so no 1 had to hear but me if that's the case. So who's gonna talk Josh into letting me have some?!
- I have a guinea pig, Lenny. Hes 1 now. Josh got him for me when I had surgery last November. Lenny is pretty awesome.
- i am addicted to peanut butter and love everything thats not good to eat. I also cant keep a work out routine longer than 2 weeks
Hmm... thats enough of that. I know its long. Hopefully this will be the longest 1 ever! Also sorry mom for the bad pic! its the only picture of me I have on my new computer!