Himani got a bunch of new toys. Which means new toys for me to play with! ha. We played on her aqua doodle pad for hours today. Josh picked out some of the Xmas presents for Himani. He picked out Elmo tickle me hands and the hulk hands. Poor thing is scared of them. Both. Ill have to work with her on those. Josh feels bad. Lets see what did she get. She got a medical kit. Which she is scared of the blood pressure cuff. She seems to be afraid of lots of things right now. Its cute when she tells you shes scared. She doesn't say it but she makes a frighten face and shakes and then makes a sad face and goes in for a hug. She got a tea pot set that she likes to poor people a cup of tea. She got several new books, new stuffed toys. She has a bird and shes scared of that. Also an art easel.
I got a Flip Video for xmas from the Mulbery's for xmas. Which is awesome and I have video of Himani and Addison on it. ill just have to hook it up to my computer and see if that is any easier for me to upload videos. I guess I had plenty of time to do that while I was off but time goes by fast when your lazy. Heres some picture from my xmas

^grandpa always ends up with a girly gift in the gag gift game we play. last year was bubble bath and foo foo smelly stuff. this year bling.2 necklaces and a bracelet. And btw. my grandpa alwwwwaayyyys wears overhauls. how cute!

^ you have to have a cabbage patch babydoll in our family. and addi got her first 1. you can hardly tell which 1 is the real baby. well maybe addi sucking her thumb gives it away. How are they ever going to break her of that( which she does allllllll the time) if her dad at age 25 still sucks his thumb!

^ addi was very talkative when we were playing our gag gift game. and also drooling alllot.

^ a little humor. this is my favorite comic. they are called Explosm. i get new ones daily on my iphone. i enjoyed this 1. reminds me of my dad and i.
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