Himani and I stayed in all last week because of the weather! I am pretty sick of this snowing. If i was a kid it would be better. But I am grown now and have to drive and get out daily most the time. Not fun.
We have been having fun with all of her new toys though. with her art easel she got came alphabet magnets and i have been working with her on them. She will repeat letters A B C D E. after that she gets distracted. Sometimes she will say F. And then other times I will just pick a letter and show her and tell her what it is and she will repeat that sometimes.
She still hasn't said my name. I'm still "That" to her. = ( We have been working on that and saying I love you. She will repeat I but nothing else. She can be stubborn sometimes when you want her to say something. Her new words are "Mirror" and "hair" She said mirror and I said are you kidding me Himani You can say Mirror but you can't say Steph.
Himani is still afraid of the hulk and Elmo hands we got her for Christmas. But she has touched the hulk hands asking "whats that" but wont do nothing else with it. I put them on her dolls trying to show her its OK. Ive kissed them. Ive put them on. Ive used them as a pillow to show how soft they are. Not sure what else to do. Hopefully she will come around and like them soon. At lease for Josh he's sad she doesn't like them.
I figured out what my problem is with putting videos on here. I plugged in my flip video and it just loaded the videos onto the Iphoto that was already on my Mac. But I had a few seconds at my moms this weekend and when you plug into my moms computer it loaded a system but i didn't have time to see if i could load it on the website. I guess when you pay a butt load for a Mac they only let you have 1 system for photos and videos. Thanks alot Mac i liked you up until now. So either Josh will have to sit down and figure out how i put it on here from my computer or I will have to load all my videos on my moms computer to put it on here.
This weekend was busier than I thought would be. Thursday Josh and I had my bratty little cousin over. Josh fell asleep before midnight b/c he had to work late Wednesday night and then had to turn around and be to work at 7 the next morning. so I had to stay up with Kenz and she cheats horribly at board games. Friday was my grandparents 50th anniversary party. We had my other cousin over that night and him and Josh stayed up way to late playing video games. Then the whole family met to have dinner then some of the family went to dave and busters. Then it was game night at my aunts. But I got home at 9 with a headache and still have a headache now. It almost made me throw up last night and now today I cant stand to have the lights on. I've pretty much slept away the day away today. Awesome. The prescription meds i got from the doc before Christmas no longer work. I guess I am having headaches from the concussion I got in November and then I was getting rebound headaches from trying to get rid of those headaches. But I think I've had a migraine this weekend. SO nothing I have works for that. and the doc wont give me anything for those until February when I go back. So what I'm basically saying is I got nothing I needed to get done this weekend.
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