So I had Himani for a little over 24 hours this weekend. Wasn't to bad. I got there about 9 saturday morning. Didnt do to much that day. My mom did come over and bring us ice cream before bed time. Lina said we could watch a movie. So we watched Monsters Inc. Surprising to me. She wasn't scared of it. That is 1 of my favorite Pixar movies. But Himani didnt sit still for too long. She went to bed pretty easy b/c she didnt have much of a nap. But she was up by 730. Of course the night im there she doesnt decide to sleep in like she does sometimes. O well. After a year and 4 months I am ALMOST use to getting up early and not dragging by the evening. Today we went to my moms so I could get a trim from a family friend that came over to cut my mom and dads hair. Himani got to play with Addi and Josh. Or as she says Otch. She always asks where Josh is but is scared when she see him. We had lunch. Which she actually ate all her meals for me this weekend. She hadn't been eating much at all during the day. Then we got a surprise that Lina and Ryan were going to be home earlier than expected. So we headed back and Himani was happy to see them. Then I got to go home and do some homework! Having a lab for physiology online is alot easier than it sounds!
Earlier this week she was really sick for about a day.

That picture is actually her on my lap. We were cuddling on the couch and she fell asleep! I couldnt believe it. She slept for about 30 minutes and then an hour and half later she slept 3 more hours! But then she seemed a little better.
I was going to make a list of Himanis new words. It seems like she says something new everyday. But the only 1s I can think of are "sticker" which she says really good and. "Sta" thats me! Yes I have moved up from that to Sta.
I had the twins Wednesday night. I can't believe how big they are getting! They are starting to listen alot better too. They are so darn smart it amazes me! I had gotten Lindsay out of the tub dried her off got her dressed had her brush her teeth. Got Gabriel out got him dressed then I put de-tangler in L's hair well G thought he should too but he put lotion in his hair. A big Glob of lotion. I started to laugh and said O no we have to get that out! he freaked out and started to cry. I took him into his parents bathroom so he could lay on the counter and I could wash it out under the sink b/c there was no way I was getting him back in the tub. Bed time was easy. They ran around the kitchen about 50xs so Im sure that helped!
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