We went to Wonderscope again today. We won't be able to go again until after christmas. This time my mom met up with us and brought Addi to meet Himani. You can tell in the picture Addi was all smiles. They really enjoyed each other. Himani liked having a baby around her. Himani didn't care if I held Addison but When my mom held Addi, she got jealous and wanted my mom to hold her too It was kinda funny b/c my mom has only seen Himani one other time and it was back in March or so. I think kids can sense when other people are mothers. Before addi and my mom got there we were playing in the Market area. She figured out how to play with the pizzas and birthday cakes. She put the toppings on them. Threw them in the oven messed with the knobs on the oven and then brought it to me to eat. Also i dont know what Himani's fascination is with cleaning. But every room we go into there she goes for the mops and brooms and try to clean ha.
Himani did sooo good with the kids today. When we were in the 'Small Wonders" room she was going around giving all the kids hugs. She was walking up to hug one little girl and the girl started crying. Himani looked at me and my mom like what did i do wrong. Why is she crying. But the girls mom said she was just tired. Then later Himani tried again and she cried once again. Ha.
When we got home she ate alot or at lease alot more than she has been. We had enough time to read some library books and then she didnt even cry when i put her down. And she took a 3 hour nap. Hmm 3 hour would of been nice of me to work on all the christmas scarfs I gotta make but I got sucked into facebook and TV.
After nap she tried to hide under the chair and play peek a boo with me but she didnt fit to well ha. it was still cute
Over all it was a really good day with Himani. Once again she still hasn't said my name but i think shes making a break through. Shes been asking me more than usually what my name is and who I am.
I have a video of HImani saying HO HO HO. It sounds more like Tim Taylor (Tim Allen) from Home Improvement when he makes his "I told you so" howl. I dont know I guess you have to be a home improvement fan to know what Im talking about.
Heres some pictures from today.

^ this is in the medical room. She loves playing with the babies. I taught her what all the medical toys were for and how to use them. Maybe she will take after her mama. I thought about getting her a medical toy bag but the ones they have now a days just isnt as cool as the set I had when i was a little kid.
^ i dont think she knew what to think
One more thing. Tonight we went to my moms. Josh was feeding addi and afterwords he goes to give her a kiss. She pukes right in his beard. ahahahaha
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