Earlier this week she was really sick for about a day.

That picture is actually her on my lap. We were cuddling on the couch and she fell asleep! I couldnt believe it. She slept for about 30 minutes and then an hour and half later she slept 3 more hours! But then she seemed a little better.
I was going to make a list of Himanis new words. It seems like she says something new everyday. But the only 1s I can think of are "sticker" which she says really good and. "Sta" thats me! Yes I have moved up from that to Sta.
I had the twins Wednesday night. I can't believe how big they are getting! They are starting to listen alot better too. They are so darn smart it amazes me! I had gotten Lindsay out of the tub dried her off got her dressed had her brush her teeth. Got Gabriel out got him dressed then I put de-tangler in L's hair well G thought he should too but he put lotion in his hair. A big Glob of lotion. I started to laugh and said O no we have to get that out! he freaked out and started to cry. I took him into his parents bathroom so he could lay on the counter and I could wash it out under the sink b/c there was no way I was getting him back in the tub. Bed time was easy. They ran around the kitchen about 50xs so Im sure that helped!