I found a solution to HImani's run away plan of hers when we play in the front yard. It has been to nice for us to stay inside but she keeps running in the street. We started playing out in the back on the lower patio from the basement. Yesterday we just had her car and chalk but today I decided we would make a quick run to target (it had to be quick shes done so good with potty training and with her wearing dora underwear I didn't want her to have an accident because she didn't want to use a public potty) We got a kite a big bubble wand and a bubble machine. She picked out the owl kite. It was small but a lot better quality than those plastic ones that rip real easy. I wasn't able to get a picture of her and the kite because I had to keep a hold of it too because she would let go when her hat flew off her head. I think it was a little to windy for the bubble machine because once they started forming they popped. But supposedly it makes really big ones and make them go high or something. The big wand worked good. All we had to do was hold it up and the wind did the rest.
She has been getting a lot of boo boos with going outside. She scraped her knee yesterday and then again today on the same knee. Also she got her leg stuck in her bed some how. She maybe slept 45 minutes before she woke up screaming her head off. It looked a lot worse at first but she has a couple bruises from it
Things she likes right now; shapes, dora, juice and puppies.
Couple things I have learned the last couple of days that obviously doesn't take a genius to figure out but I definitely think of it before hand. Add water to bubbles so they last longer. Not sure why I didn't think of it sooner, but when we went through half a thing of bubbles today it clicked. DUH. also tell a kid yogurt is ice cream and they will eat the whole thing.

^ I think she looks like a hula dancer the way shes standing and with her dress.

I think she is trying to model in this 1
And of course. Everyone loves a naked baby.

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