OOOOO Himani. She likes to run away from you. And lately shes been running into the street! The first couple of times there was no 1 around but today since its so nice outside the street is filled with cars from workers building and working on the houses around here. She thinks its a game. I dont know what to do. But once she does it I take her back inside. She doesn't like that.
But we have been enjoying the weather. Today we have played outside alot ate lunch on the back deck and went to the library. She was running away from me in there too. So she had to be carried around the whole time. The library isn't somewhere to be running around screaming. While we were checking out the only way I could get her to stay by me is when I gave her my wallet. She saw me take out the library card and scan it and then scan all the books. So she pulled all the cards I had in my wallet and tried to scan them. It was cute. She is doing awesome with her talking. Her biggest word she has tried to say is "mountain" she did a pretty good job trying to.
I took off the next two days for my 21st birthday! But I am swamped with 5 doctors/school appointments, 2 big tests to take, spring cleaning and going out to party. I hope I get it all done! I have several videos from my flip I need to get to my moms and upload onto here.
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